Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Waiting for baby

Although it's a bit early in the year, we are expecting a foal anyday now. Aishet, (barn name Aya) is on loan from Freedom Run Farms of MI and came bred to the lovely stallion Metman. Aya looked like she was all ready to go last week and then the weather got nasty. Either the foal or Aya decided it was just too cold, wet, snowy, windy, slushy and sleety out to come out and play, so we've been playing a waiting game. I keep thinking that the next nice day will see a new little face, but I checked Aya earlier today and I think, just perhaps, the kid doesn't want to wait much longer, sleet or no sleet. Of course, we'll see!

I have the foaling stall all set up with nice, deep straw, shavings and a heat lamp. I have my foaling kit ready. I've been checking her every 2 hours for the last week now, although happily, I can see her from my bedroom window so I don't have to go outside every two hours all night long. But, interrupted sleep does take it's toll. Just ask my family.

So, very soon, we'll have another little one running around. Of course, I'm hoping for my buckskin filly, but we'll take whatever comes!

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